Edwards and Son can provide your lead paint inspection and consult with you on your requirements and responsibilities as a Baltimore County-City rental property owner.
The Process
A visual inspection must first be performed to make sure that none of the paint is failing. There can be no peeling or flaking paint inside and outside of the property, this includes porches, foundations, stairs, soffit, fascia, window trim, wooden sheds, garages, and fences. If any of the paint is failing, no dust samples can be taken.
Once the property has passed the visual inspection, dust samples will be taken from each room in the rental property. If your rental property has replacement windows the state of Maryland requires that 1 lead dust sample be taken from the floor or windowsill of every room. If there are any rooms that have original painted wooden windows the state of Maryland requires that 2 lead dust samples be taken from every room (1 from the floor or window sill and 1 from a window well from a random window in that room)*.
*The window well is the area where the sash comes down and meets the bottom of the window frame
The samples are collected and shipped overnight to the lab where the lead dust content of each sample is measured. The results are sent via email to Edwards and Son and the client is notified by phone and email that the property has passed.
Your MDE certificate is issued and emailed within 24 hours and a copy of the certificate and results will be sent to the Maryland Department of the Environment by Edwards and Son.
From the time you contact us to perform your lead paint inspection till the paperwork is finalized and mailed to the state you can count on Edwards and Son to be there. There can be some sleepless nights not knowing what to expect during the inspection or waiting for the results. Edwards and Son will explain the steps that are needed to be compliant with all MDE rules and regulations and a phone call away with any questions at all.
Visual inspection and sample collection: $85.00
Lab Fees:$15.00 per sample
If you own a Baltimore County or Baltimore City rental property and need Baltimore County rental license inspection and a lead paint inspection, call us for a 25% discount when both are scheduled.
Go with professionalism and service. Go with Edwards and Son Home Inspection LLC for your lead paint inspection.